Blog Posts

Nancy Cotterill co-founded 2nd Chance Indiana (as UNITE INDY) in late 2016. She was editor and later publisher of Indianapolis Business Journal, and then created a not-for-profit online news outlet for the four million wheelchair users in the U.S. As an award-winning journalist, Nancy uses her talents to promote efforts to fight the causes of overall poverty throughout our area while working to spread the specific message that second chance employment is lowering recidivism, changing lives, and raising families out of poverty.

October 7, 2023

Formerly, Indiana schools got graded like the kids…"A" through "F," but that simplistic format left much to be desired. Beginning Oct. 15th, 2023, each grade level must report on its own academic results. Parents will now be able to compare their child's school against the performance of other Indianapolis schools: the magic key to parental power!

September 21, 2023

Dave Ramsey wisely noted, "If your child graduates from high school and his only skill set consists of playing video games, whining, copping an attitude of entitlement, and eating junk food, you have set him up to fail." Too many parents are missing the point of employment. Having a job for a teen is an education in itself...

September 7, 2023

Police investigators here and across the country are concerned about the growing ties between social media and youth homicides. Just connect the dots...

August 21, 2023

Let's just put the answer out right up front: Yes. "In the big picture, religious presence seems to [influence] the amount of violence and crime in a community, it matters to blacks, whites and Latinos." OK. So, everybody? A separate study analyzing crime and religion data from 182 counties in three states similarly found that violent crime decreased when greater numbers of people were religiously active in a community.

August 7, 2023

For those who think that ex-offenders can't make a stunning comeback, I give you Charles Dutton. He was sentenced to five years for manslaughter in 1967 after a knife fight in which a man was killed. Out on parole, he was arrested on robbery and handgun charges and was sentenced to the Maryland Penitentiary for three more years. After a fight with a guard, another eight years was added to his sentence. During that time he spent six days in solitary confinement for refusing to clean toilets.

July 21, 2023

It has long troubled me that our state legislators do not pass a 36 percent APR cap on payday loans in Indiana. Ninety percent of Hoosiers agree that a 36 percent Annual Percentage Rate (APR) cap should be enacted--so what's the hold up? These small loans are aimed at those with an urgent need and a very low income, and payday loan operators notoriously target people of color.

July 7, 2023

A good friend who I'll call "Benny" is a former inmate who is having a rough time. He's been out of prison for a couple of years, but it has been a series of uphill battles with few successes.He entered prison as a teenager and made very few decisions on his own for the next 20+ years of his life. Not surprisingly, right decision making is one of the biggest challenges reentrants face, and Benny is no exception.

June 21, 2023

A few years ago, I put together a recidivism map that showed re-incarceration rates in Indiana counties were between 30 and 50 percent, using source data from the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC). But after learning that IDOC only counts Indiana prison inmates who are re-incarcerated in an Indiana prison, it became obvious why the recidivism figures here were drastically lower than rates across the country.

June 7, 2023

We all know there is an epidemic of gun violence and we are all shocked every time we hear of the latest murder. But did you know that far more kids are killing themselves with guns??? I didn't know it. Yet, a little research into youth gun violence uncovers the horrific number of children who use guns to kill themselves. Suicide with a gun is 60 percent higher than Homicide with a gun among youths. Here's why...

May 22, 2023

When people compare the United States to just about any other country with a low incarceration rate it is usually far from a realistic comparison. While many first world countries have lower rates of incarceration, they also are much smaller and do not have the melting pot of cultures and values that we have in the U.S., cultures that have added beauty and depth to the fabric of our nation, but cultures whose differences can be expanded into battle lines of offense and defense...

Contact Information

2nd Chance Indiana
241 West 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208


Our Mission

Our mission is to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work.