Assessments (Career & Spiritual)

Career Enjoyment

Since you will probably spend one-third of the rest of your life working, it's well worth investing a few minutes of your time now to learn what type of job you will enjoy the most. So, whether you're preparing to enter the workforce or you're already in a job, take a free assessment that will point you in the right direction on your career path.

It's not a test. There are no right or wrong answers. All you do is respond to questions about the type of work you might enjoy. When you finish, careers that match your interests and skills will be suggested; you'll be able to browse more than 900 career options by industry, and you can find out what education/certification is required.

Remember, if you're starting over, you're probably not going to get your "dream job" the first time out. It will be a process. Think of it as "ABC": You might have to take Any job, "A". Do the best you can do, and next you'll be able to get a Better job, "B". Again, do the best you can do, and eventually you can move up to the "C" level, a Career. It will be most enjoyable on the way to the "C" level if you can find positions that are good matches for your interests.

To find out right now what type of career you will enjoy most, click the green "Career Assesment" button directly below to take the O*NET Interest Profiler, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.


Career Assessment

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Spiritual Gifts 



If you feel led to develop the spiritual side of your life or to find out where you are in your spiritual development and what gifts you have to share with others, you can learn which of twenty-two God-given spiritual gifts make up your profie by clicking the green "Spiritual Gifts Assessment" button below, and answering the multiple choice questions posed by GiftsTest,   © 2024


Spiritual Gifts Assessment

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Contact Information

2nd Chance Indiana
241 West 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208


Our Mission

Our mission is to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work.