Quote of the Month: February 2022
Do it until you do it right. Then do it until you can't do it wrong."——Monica Almada, Navarro College CoachUnknown by most of the world, are the annual National Cheer and Dance Championships in Daytona, Florida, where a small Texas community college, Navarro, has racked up 14 Association Championships and five Grand National Titles in the past few years, all since Monica Almada started coaching there. And, we're not talking about shaking pompoms here. There are ten muscle-bound young men and ten equally fit young women who literally fly through the air to form one unbelievably complex tower of bodies after another. All this is possible because of the focus and power of a coach, who is mama bear to this team of cast off kids—kids whose back stories are as complicated and difficult as the routines they bring to the stage.They come from the streets, from violent homes, from drug dens and poverty to try to get on this team. One of at the s...
Do it until you do it right. Then do it until you can't do it wrong."
——Monica Almada, Navarro College Coach

Unknown by most of the world, are the annual National Cheer and Dance Championships in Daytona, Florida, where a small Texas community college, Navarro, has racked up 14 Association Championships and five Grand National Titles in the past few years, all since Monica Almada started coaching there. And, we're not talking about shaking pompoms here.
There are ten muscle-bound young men and ten equally fit young women who literally fly through the air to form one unbelievably complex tower of bodies after another. All this is possible because of the focus and power of a coach, who is mama bear to this team of cast off kids—kids whose back stories are as complicated and difficult as the routines they bring to the stage.
They come from the streets, from violent homes, from drug dens and poverty to try to get on this team. One of at the star athletes admitted, "If I wasn't here, I'd be in prison." The thing that makes them great is the atmosphere of love and the requirement of excellence in attitude and execution that drives them to be champions.
Nonprofits have to live up to that same high standard too. We have to do our jobs right, then do them again and again, working with people of all kinds, often from difficult backgrounds, we show our love through our work and require excellence in attitude and execution from our staffs. The kids at Navarro College know what successful individuals and businesses everywhere know, that right attitude and proper execution are the very keys to success.
Whether you're building a winning organization, or struggling to succeed at a second chance in life, every one of us has to face the same challenge: To do what you are supposed to do until you do it right, and then do it again and again until you can't do it wrong. There is no substitute for excellence.
About Jim Cotterill
Jim Cotterill co-founded 2nd Chance Indiana (as UNITE INDY) in late 2016. After a decade as the founding president of National Christian Foundation Indiana following several years developing a chain of Business Journals across the country, he and his wife, Nancy, were led to serve those coming out of long term incarceration by helping them find and keep jobs that pay a living wage. Jim and Nancy believe that, through the dignity of work, reentrants' lives can be changed and their families can be lifted out of poverty.