Prayer Requests

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Prayer Requests

Anonymous • Posted on 10/17/2024 • General

Please pray by name for these women, who graduated from our first six-session job preparation training class taught to inmates inside Marion County Adult Detention Center, that they discover the unique gifts and talents that God gave each of them, and that they experience meaning and fulfillment as they utilize His gifts for the benefit of their communities, their employer's customers, and their families:
Anayeli Nocelotl  
Danielle Reel
Ebony Wright
Kaliko Allen
Meisha Jackson
Nikisha Morris
Samantha McCland
Shanice Carpenter

Anonymous • Posted on 9/12/2024 • General

Please pray for money for 2025 van transportation for people who come out of jail in Indiana. It has meant so much to me and other men who leave jail with no way to get to work. With the vans we got a way to get to work every day. Now we hear we have to worry that we won't be able to have it. It takes time to save for a car. Some guys have done it, and they are doing good. Thankk you Jesus!

Anonymous • Posted on 8/25/2024 • General

My friend, J.R. has lost his job., due to an altercation at the work site. He needs another job, with a company that understands the triggers people coming out of incarceration have to deal with. He is a good, caring, Christian man, with a big heart. Please pray for him to get the right job, working for the right people, where he can grow into a respected member of a team where he works.

Anonymous • Posted on 8/25/2024 • Petition

Please pray for continuation of 2nd Chance Indiana's van transportation service that takes reentrants to and from jobs every day. Most reentrants don't have a vehicle to get back and forth to work. Without the vans, many will lose their jobs. Please pray that decision-makers in Indiana will see the benefit to keeping these folks employed, that their families will be reunited, that their children will have the benefit of a family income, and that the futures of those who have paid the price for their mistakes can be welcomed back into their communities.

Donna J. • Posted on 8/1/2024 • General

Asking for Prayers for Martin Anthony Villalon, Jr. He was incarcerated at age 15 and still incarcerated. We are requesting prayers that the court system find it in their hearts to release Martin. He has served enough time for his crime. He was raised from a child to an adult man in prison. He has never been in trouble and he is a gentle and polite young man. The staff loves him and he is doing amazing things.

I am also asking you guys to contact Martin to have Bible studies with him. He is in the Miami, Indiana Correctional Facility.

God Bless

Anonymous • Posted on 8/1/2024 • General

A dear friend who has been released from prison for a couple of years may be losing his employment due to an altercation on the job. He has a good heart and can be a hard worker. Please pray for peace, for self control, for patience and for a new job to be found quickly if the company decides to end his employment.

Jim C. • Posted on 7/28/2024 • Crisis

Please join me in praying for Donessa, who said the following in an email she sent to 2nd Chance Indiana over the weekend, Having a hard time staying afloat feel like I'm drowning they make it so hard to move forward need just a lil more can someone reach out to me please at your earliest convenience.

Becky B. • Posted on 7/27/2024 • General

Praying for revival at New Castle Correctional facility.
Praying for men and women to not just be stirred by things they hear and feel in chapel but their lives be changed,
Pray for leadership of prisons to treat men and women as people not as animals.

Jim C. • Posted on 7/25/2024 • Career

This morning, I was at a job fair at Martin University where hundreds of previously incarcerated men and women came looking for work. There, they were able to talk with employers willing to offer a second chance as well as to providers of support services needed by many of them and/or their family members. I praise God for allowing me to be there to see the hope on their faces as they entered the hall and realized that there were people who came there to help them take the beginning steps on the journey to turn their lives around.

Please join me in praying that that they connected with the support services they need (mental health, substance abuse, housing, legal aid, financial advice), which without help, could derail their successful reentry.

A job not only pays the bills. Supporting the family can help repair broken relationships and rebuild self-esteem. So please join me in also praying that these fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, and daughters made connections at this event that lead to good jobs that enable them to rebuild their lives through the dignity of work.

Contact Information

2nd Chance Indiana
241 West 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208


Our Mission

Our mission is to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work.