
Newsletter: May 2024

In this Newsletter, four free videos are available to help other employers learn how to hire and train people coming out of incarceration, produced by Volumod and Renewing Management. Also, KeHE Distributors located in Elletsville, IN, need van support to hire reentrants: 2CI is working on it! Plus, walk in the shoes of a reentrant. Read about MCRC's Reentry Simulation event!

In this Newsletter, four free videos are available to help other employers learn how to hire and train people coming out of incarceration, produced by Volumod and Renewing Management. Also, KeHE Distributors located in Elletsville, IN, need van support to hire reentrants: 2CI is working on it! Plus, walk in the shoes of a reentrant. Read about MCRC's Reentry Simulation event!



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Contact Information

2nd Chance Indiana
241 West 38th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46208


Our Mission

Our mission is to reduce recidivism and rebuild lives through the dignity of work.