Jim Cotterill co-founded 2nd Chance Indiana (as UNITE INDY) in late 2016. After a decade as the founding president of National Christian Foundation Indiana following several years developing a chain of Business Journals across the country, he and his wife, Nancy, were led to serve those coming out of long term incarceration by helping them find and keep jobs that pay a living wage. Jim and Nancy believe that, through the dignity of work, reentrants' lives can be changed and their families can be lifted out of poverty.
"I remember the sinking feeling when the mail cart would pass my cell. The squeak of the wheels passing reminded me that I did not matter to a single person outside that concrete box."
After the execution of Joseph Corcoran this month, we examine the problem of unmedicated and untreated mentally ill people that commit murder and other crimes and pool in our federal and state prisons, which are overwhelmed with the care and treatment they were never designed to provide.
"After doing 23 years in prison so many connections were just gone..."
—Jessie Rosbia
"Most no-nonsense black mommas like mine often warned us of two things: One, don't you ever think you gonna call my house from jail. Two, I bet not ever wake up and see you on the news."
— Adrian Russell
Someone Asked: "What are the two worst problems faced by the world today?"
The Wise Man Answered: "I don't know and I don't care."
Crazy as it sounds, the wise man was right.
"Monday, April 30, 1990. This is the day I was rescued. From what? Myself"
—Robert Shafer
"After being released years ago, I was still a prisoner in my own mind without much needed help"
—Phillips Hollowell
"Our youths are out there killing each other…
How long, how long are we going to let this go on?"
—Arthur Beatty
"If you have zero money coming in, the probability
of you committing a crime is extremely high"
—Keidrian Brewster
"Easter isn't about colored eggs and bunnies for people in prison…"
—Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship