February 7, 2025
When as many as 75% of inmates in our prisons are illiterate, and 85% of juveniles who interface with juvenile courts are illiterate, perhaps it is time to take a look at how the inability to read impacts lives and increases the population of prisons here and across the nation.
January 21, 2025
Since the early 90s, sociologists and criminologists have been working to figure out what will keep the habitual offender from re-offending and have developed a successful series of programs that are changing lives and reducing recidivism.
January 7, 2025
It may surprise you, but one man out of every three in the U.S. has a criminal record—In Indiana, that is 1.11 million men who have a criminal record today. We are here to help Hoosiers who need a hand up. We write to them, train and transport them, and connect them to jobs that pay a living wage. Over time, we can change the face of poverty...
December 20, 2024
Statistically, boys from fatherless homes are 14 times more likely to die from an overdose, provide 85% of juveniles in prison, and are 6 times more likely to commit suicide and a young man...
December 6, 2024
In three years, 68% will return to incarceration. In six years, 79%, and in 9 years, 83%. We fail miserably at helping people get back on their feet. But, we can reduce recidivism and save $millions for the state, as we rebuild lives...
November 21, 2024
The telephone for us is a convenience, but for an inmate, it's a lifeline. Recently, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to implement new regulations aimed at stopping price gouging inmates on phone and video calling services in prisons and jails.
November 7, 2024
Indiana's longest-serving female prisoner, Sarah "Cindy" White has been in prison 48 years for starting a fire that killed a family of six on New Year's Eve in 1975. The Indianapolis Star, numerous television shows, and digital media have all featured her sad case, in spite of the fact that she admitted starting the fire. Why?
October 21, 2024
With about 24,000 inmates in Indiana prisons, the difference between national findings of 40% and IDOC findings of 23%, may indicate that there could be more than 4,000 inmates with unrecognized mental illness who are not being treated...
October 7, 2024
The historic COVID lockdown that seemed like a good idea, was not good in so many ways. But it revealed an unexpected result that may have saved some kids, and reminded parents of the power they wield.
September 20, 2024
The number of women held in Indiana jails has grown exponentially in the last several decades. Since 1980 to 2015 the numbers have increased by 1,492%, and the female prison population in Indiana through 2017 increased by 1,012%.